Case Study Client Messages
What have you done to me! I am looking for low salt or no added sugar! ~ Anon (High BP & Obesity) |
You teach me new ways of thinking and feeling for which I am grateful, as I feel better for it. ~ I.C. (Chronic health condition) |
I was struggling to eat, no energy, unable to make a proper home cooked meal. I wasn't expecting much from our first session as nothing had worked up until now. Your first protocol in a few days brought changes in my appetite. I was hungry again, not for snack but for a good meal.~ W.M. (Long Covid Clinic Patient)
I am so glad to have you. You understand, you're someone who has really gone through a lot of struggles like me. I now been able to monitor my health thanks to you, as my last episode caused me great anxiety and isolation. Thank you Mandie. ~ J.S. (Recurrent UTI's with history of acute pyelonephritis)