Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of psychological acupuncture (without the needles) which draw on various methods of alternative medicine including acupressure, energy medicine and modern psychology.
Some may feel it's a little odd or bizarre of a technique. There are many scientific studies (over 100) which have proven the effectiveness of Tapping and this impressively effective technique, is on the rise. By gently tapping on specific meridian points on the hand, head and upper body, we calm the stress response and release energy blockages that cause negative emotions that hold us back from living our lives on our own terms. For example, EFT is acknowledged as an effective treatment for PTSD and the results are long-lasting. Brain scans have shown that Tapping directly impacts the reaction of the Amygdala (the part of the brain that triggers our stress response). In doing so the fear response is reduced and the brain chemistry is altered in a beneficial way. This explains why clients feel lighter, calmer and happier at the end of a session. Tapping can be used on any issue from fears, phobias to stress, illness, anxiety, depression, being overwhelmed, self-esteem, childhood trauma, physical pain, relationship problems, PTSD, to name a few. Tapping is a self-help technique and Mandie will show you how can use this technique at any given time. Resources are provided in your session to help your facilitate the tapping technique into your self-help practice. |